70 research outputs found

    A note on ultraproducts of Veltman models

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    We consider ultraproducts of Veltman models, and show that a version of Łos theorem is true

    Complexity of the interpretability logic IL

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    We show that the decision problem for the basic system of interpretability logic IL is PSPACE-complete. For this purpose we present an algorithm which uses polynomial space with respect to the complexity of a given formula. The existence of such algorithm, together with the previously known PSPACE hardness of the closed fragment of IL, implies PSPACE-completeness.Comment: 7 page

    Interpretability logic IL does not have finite subtree property

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    Usually, when a logic has finite model property (fmp), it also has a stronger, finite submodel property: every model can be reduced to a finite submodel. Or, at least, it has a finite subtree property, which is restricted to models that are trees. We prove that interpretability logic IL does not have finite subtree property

    Interpretability logic IL does not have finite subtree property

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    Usually, when a logic has finite model property (fmp), it also has a stronger, finite submodel property: every model can be reduced to a finite submodel. Or, at least, it has a finite subtree property, which is restricted to models that are trees. We prove that interpretability logic IL does not have finite subtree property


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    Trends in data processing for decision support show that business users need business analytics, i.e. analytical applications which incorporate a variety of business oriented data analysis techniques and task-specific knowledge. The paper discusses the feasibility of investment in two models of implementing business analytics: custom development and packed analytical applications. The consequences of both models are shown on two models of business analytics implementation in Croatia

    A note on normal forms for the closed fragment of system IL

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    In [8], P. HĆ”jek and Å vejdar determined normal forms for the system ILF, and showed that we can eliminate the modal operator rhdrhd from ILIL--formulas. The normal form for the closed fragment of the interpretability logic ILIL is an open problem (see [13]). We prove that in some cases we can eliminate the modal operator rhdrhd. We give an example where it is impossible to eliminate $rhd.

    Analaysis of disorders and diagnosis of hospital tretamnet in Unit of chlid and adolescent psychiatry in perod from 1988 to 2018

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    Analiza poremećaja i dijagnostičkih odrednica na bolničkom liječenju na Zavodu za dječju i adolescentnu psihijatriju u razdoblju od 1988. do 2018. godine Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati razlike u pojavnosti mentalnih poremećaja na Zavodu za dječju i adolescentnu psihijatriju u zadnjih 30 godina, odnosno u razdoblju od 1988. do 2018. godine, s obzirom na spol i vremenske razmake od po 10 godina. Nacrt studije: Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija. Provedeno je za 5324 bolesnika. Ispitanici i metode: Sva djeca liječena na Zavodu za dječju i adolescentnu psihijatriju u razdoblju od 1988. do 2008. godine. Podaci o pacijentima prikupljeni su iz arhivske dokumentacije, radi se o 5324 bolesnika, od kojih je 2674 bilo muÅ”kog spola i 2677 ženskog spola. Parametri koji su bili analizirani su: spol, dijagnoza, godina hospitalizacije. Rezultati: NajčeŔća dijagnoza je poremećaj ponaÅ”anja, zatim poremećaj u emocijama. Poremećaji ponaÅ”anja, noćno mokrenje, ADHD, tikovi i hiperkinetički sindrom su čeŔći kod bolesnika muÅ”kog spola. Adolescentna kriza, neurotske smetnje, pokuÅ”aj suicida lijekovima, anksiozna stanja, poremećaji hranjenja, poremećaji u emocijam, bipolarni poremećaj, samoozljeđivanje, anksiozna stanja su čeŔći kod bolesnika ženskog spola. Reaktivno depresivno stanje, samoozljeđivanje, retardatio mentalis, poremećaj reakcije prilagođavanja, opsesivno kompulzivni poremećaj, anksioozno stanje, poremećaji hranjenja, bipolarni poremećaj, ADHD su dijagnoze u porastu. Psihogeni napadi, neuspjeh u Å”koli, trihotolomia, encopresis, pavor nocturna, tikovi, neurotske smetnje, adolescentna kriza, enuresis nocturna su dijagnoze u padu. Zaključak: Utvrđuje se značajan porast, odnosno pad koriÅ”tenja određenih dijagnoza, ali ostaje nejasno radi li se o zastarjeloj terminologiji, boljim razumijevanjem poremećaja ili dolazi do stvarnog porasta, odnosno pada specifičnih poremećaja.Analaysis of disorders and diagnosis of hospital treatment in Unit of child and adolescent psychiatry in period from 1988.-2018. Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine differences in the occurrence of mental disorders at the Institute for Pediatric and Adolsecent Psychiatry in the last 30 years, in the period from 1988 to 2018, with regard to gender and time span of 10 years. Study design: The study was conducted as a cross- sectional study. It included 5324 patients. Participants and methods: All children treated at the Institute for Pediatric and Adolsecent Psychiatry in the period from 1988 to 2018. Patient data was collected from the archive documentation, 5324 patients were processed, of which 2674 were male and 2677 were female. Parameters that were analyzed were gender, diagnosis, year of hospitalization. Results: The most common diagnosis is behavioral disorder then emotional disturbance. Behavioral disorders, nocturnal enuresis, ADHD, tickling and hyperkinetic syndrome are much more common with male patients. An adolescent crisis, neurotic disorders, drug suicidal attempts, anxiety, eating disorders, emotional disturbances , bipolar disorder, self-injuri, anxiety are much more common with female patients. Reactive depression, self-injury, retardatio mentalis, adaptive response disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD are diagnoses with incresing frequency. Psychogenic attacks, school failure, trihotolomy, psychosis infantilis, encopresis, pavor nocturnus, tickling, neurotic disorders, adolescent crisis, cephalea neurotic, enuresis nocturna are decreasing diagnoses. Conclusion: There is a significant increase or decline in the use of certain diagnoses, but it remains unclear whether it is outdated terminology, a better understanding of the disorder or there is a real increase or decline in specific disorders

    PodrŔka: trajni učinak ili poticajni trenutak?: druŔtveni i gospodarski učinci podrŔki Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga druŔtva: znanstvena studija u povodu desetogodiŔnjice osnutka Nacionalne zaklade

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    Tri su temeljne dimenzije studije: pregled razvijenosti organizacija civilnog druŔtva, procjena razvoja druŔtvenog kapitala u području demokratizacije i razvijenosti civilnog druŔtva, te analiza Ŕireg druŔtvenog učinka podrŔki programima demokratizacije i razvoja civilnog druŔtva

    Neprebrojivost skupa transcendentnih brojeva

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    Sokoban je NP --težak

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    Kod raznih igara često je važno pitanje određivanja pobjedničke strategije. No, vrlo često se razmatraju i problemi računarske složenosti u vezi igara (vidi [2]). U ovom članku se razmatra računarska složenost povezana s igrom Sokoban. Sokoban je poznata stara računalna igra u kojoj igrač (skladiÅ”tar) mora odgurati sve kutije u skladiÅ”tu na odgovarajuće pozicije, s tim da odjednom smije gurati najviÅ”e jednu kutiju. Osnovnu verziju igre možete isprobati na sljedećoj poveznici: https://sokoban.info/. U ovom članku dat ćemo dokaze NP-težine dviju varijanti igre Sokoban
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